DIY Recipe Picture Frame Project

MMS Milk Paint owner, Brenda Hess, has a great DIY project to help you display your favorite and most treasured recipes! These frames can also be given as hostess gifts and displayed for parties when guests ask you, “what’s in this dish?”


Supplies Needed

  • Wooden picture frame

  • Index with your favorite recipe written on it

  • Wood decals or molded clay decals

  • Your favorite MMS Milk Paint colors

  • Your topcoat of choice

  • Small paintbrushes

  • Water

  • Mixing cup

  • Whisk or popsicle stick

  • Shop towels

Step 1 - Pick A Picture Frame

To begin your project, find a picture frame to display your recipe. It can be raw wood (which we recommend) or one that has an existing finish.

Brenda chose to use this pretty frame that had a whitewashed look to it already. To get it ready she gently prep sanded it.


This prep sanding gives surfaces with an existing finish some tooth and texture, which will help your Milk Paint adhere. If your frame is raw wood, do a gentle sanding with 220 grit sandpaper to make sure it’s smooth and there aren’t any rough edges.

Step 2 - Preparing Your MMS Milk Paint

Decide Which Color You Want

Decide on which color you’d like to use for your frame. We have SO MANY gorgeous shades to choose from, so this just might be the hardest part of the project!

Perhaps try matching the color of the frame with the recipe itself. For example, if you’re making a buffalo chicken dip, use Tricycle or Outback Petticoat to match the buffalo sauce. Or, if you made a 4th of July cake, use Artissimo. The options truly are endless!

Mix Your Paint

Once you have your color chosen, it’s time to mix your paint. We have a great video tutorial showing you different methods for mixing.


We recommend letting your paint rest for about 10-20 minutes after it’s mixed. This will help the powder dissolve.

Step 3 - Add Decals (Optional)

While your paint is resting, you can add decals to your frame if you wish. These can be wooden, clay or resin. It’s totally up to you!

Brenda chose to use some Iron Orchid products to decorate her frame in a coastal theme.


Decals can be found in any craft store or online supply shop. Pick accents that match the recipe you’ll be placing inside the frame. Since Brenda was using a recipe for Shrimp Salad, she picked coastal/beachy accents.


Step 4 - Paint Your Frame With MMS Milk Paint

Now comes the fun part - PAINTING! You can use whatever paint brush you have on hand. Brenda used a small artist’s brush.


Since she wanted a coastal look, Brenda mixed up a custom recipe of Layla’s Mint, Eulalie’s Sky and Shutter Gray. We know it’s a little complicated, but aren’t the best recipes made up of a little bit of this and that?

You can use other colors to paint your decals (if you added them).

Once you’re finished painting, give your piece about an hour to dry. Apply as many coats as you need to get the coverage you want.

Step 5 - Seal Your Frame With A Topcoat

Once your frame is dry, gently smooth sand it with 220, 320 or 400 grit sandpaper to smooth out any lumps that may have dried on the surface. If you would rather have texture, leave the lumps.

Distress the high points and edges with sandpaper if you want a rustic worn look.

Then, pick your favorite topcoat. We have several options including waxes and natural oils. Brenda used Antiquing Wax on her frame to show off the details of her seashell decals.


Here’s another frame she created using garden insects like butterflies and dragonflies:


Brenda painted each decal in complimentary colors to add interest and detail. Can you see French Enamel, Dried Lavender and Lucketts Green in the photo? To seal them, she used White Wax for a softer feel.

(Don’t you want a muffin right now?)

These easy DIY Recipe Picture Frames are quick and easy to make. They can be customized to suit any recipe or decor style. Give them as hostess gifts, housewarming presents or take them with you to pot-luck dinners. However you use them, we know you’ll have a blast letting your creativity run wild!

DIY Recipe Picture Frames, Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint
Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint Team

Miss Mustard Seed’s® Milk Paint is a story about a love of milk paint that is growing with each bag sold, each workshop taught, each piece of furniture that is transformed. It is a story that starts with natural ingredients, when it's mixed with water and the color of the pigments come to life, it becomes our very favorite paint in the world. We hope it becomes your favorite too.

Join us as we Move Mountains with Milk Paint™!

- The Miss Mustard Seed's® Milk Paint Team

Connect with us on social media! @mmsmilkpaint


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