Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint

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Say Hello To MilkMix-EZ™

NO Bubbles, NO Foam, NO Worries!

Are you having fun learning about all of our new products? We’re having a blast sharing them with you! We’ve already shared the deets on our new 100% natural, organic, non-toxic and food-contact safe MilkPaint™ formula.

A few days ago, we wowed your socks off with our BRAND NEW MilkWax-ECO™!

(Remember, that’s the super cool new wax that dries to a hard, food-contact safe and washable finish.)

Now we’d like you to meet another BRAND NEW addition to the Miss Mustard Seed’s® Milk Paint line - MilkMix-EZ™!

What Is MilkMix-EZ™?

MilkMix-EZ™ a brand new product that we’ve developed to help with the process of mixing MilkPaint™.

MilkMix-EZ™ comes in adorable 2 fluid ounce-sized dropper bottles. A little bit of MilkMix-EZ™ goes a LONG way because you only need a few drops at a time.

Our MilkMix-EZ™ drops are food-contact safe, just like our MilkPaint™. When you use NEW MMS MilkPaint™ products, you can create with a clear conscience, knowing that you’re using safe and eco-friendly products on your projects!

You also don’t have to worry about any color changes in your MilkPaint™, because MilkMix-EZ™’s drops mix clear.

Breathe easy as well because these handy dandy drops have no VOC’s and are low odor!

Like all of our products, we have new labels with QR codes. Scan them with the camera app on your smartphone, and they will take you right to the corresponding product page our website. There, you can get instructions, answers to questions, ingredients, safety data, etc.

You’ll totally be one of the cool kids!

Now that you know what MilkMix-EZ™ is, let’s dive into how you use it.

How To Use MilkMix-EZ™

To get started, pick your favorite MilkPaint™ color. We’re using Boxwood because #theobsessionisreal.

Scoop out the amount of MilkPaint™ powder you need. This is about 2 heaping tablespoons.

Then, add the same amount of water. We added about 3 tablespoons of water to equal our 2 heaping tablespoons of paint.

You can see how the water is flowing around the MilkPaint™ powder, but it’s not dissolving right away.

That’s where the MilkMix-EZ™ drops come into play!

Squeeze a few MilkMix-EZ™drops into your mixture, then stir away. It will all come together like a dream.

Curious to know how it works?

Get your nerd on and keep reading, fellow MilkPainter!

How Does MilkMix-EZ™ Work?

Breaks Surface Tension

We’re about to go back to middle school science class, so get yourself prepared!

The secret to MilkMix-EZ™’s effectiveness involves something called surface tension. You’ve seen this in action whenever a bug walks on the surface of a pond without falling under the surface. It’s also why you can load up so many water droplets on a spoon without them spilling over.

MilkMix-EZ™ breaks the surface tension that exists between the water in your cup, and our MilkPaint™ powder.

You can see the surface tension in the photo above. The water is swirling around the powder, but nothing is dissolving.

Have no fear.

Our MilkMix-EZ™ is about to fix that in 3…2…1…


Anti-Foaming Agent

If you like using battery-powered mixers (like those little latte frothers) to whip up your MilkPaint™, hold on to your hats!

MilkMix-EZ™ is an anti-foaming agent!

Now, your MilkPaint™ mix won’t turn into a cappuccino when you use a mixer! Instead, thanks to these magic drops, the foam and bubbles are practically non-existent.

For our mason jar mixers out there, the same concept applies. Pop your powder, water and a few drops into a jar, close tightly, shake like it’s a cocktail, then enjoy!

(Just don’t drink it like a cocktail.)

All of this surface-tension-breaking-anti-foaming MilkMix-EZ™ goodness results in a paint that’s smoother, creamier, faster to mix and just the right consistency!

Disperses Our Natural Pigments

As if that wasn’t enough, MilkMix-EZ™ also helps our 100% natural pigments disperse more easily into the water. This makes previously difficult-to-mix colors (like Boxwood and Tricycle) a breeze to blend up in no time!

Grab your favorite color, get a bottle of MilkMix-EZ™ drops and see the MilkPaint™ magic for yourself!

Our new products are now shipping out to our retailers.

Contact your local MMSMP retailer for availability and remember, many of them have online shops and ship nationwide!