Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint

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Decorated In The USA

Do you look at labels? Not the designer name, but the “Made In” label? I will admit that I do not. For most of us, we look at the price. And for the busy shopper of today, we don’t even slow down enough to think we should look. You might even ask, does it even matter? I will make the answer simple, yes, it does. It’s time to look at the labels and to care about the origins of the products we buy. I am reminding myself that anytime I support products made in the USA, I support the very people who build our communities.

We have all driven through old factory towns and seen the urban blight of abandoned buildings. We have seen the ill-maintained homes and the depressive results of unemployment. Questions arise like, “Why don’t they fix this place up?” or “Wouldn’t that old factory make great lofts?” You need to think deeper because without a flourishing economy, there is no draw for new residents. When the factory went away, all supporting businesses dried up too. Restaurants and gift shops, drug stores, and markets are abandoned or struggling as well.

Boomers and some Gen-Xers may recall this 1970s television ad reminding us that the tags matter… 

Now let me offer another reason.


A History Of Labor Laws

Across the globe, workers are subjected to horrific work environments. In the United States, we have the security of knowing the ethical nature of a brand due to labor laws designed to protect the worker. Safety, environmental issues, and individual rights assure us that steps have been taken to protect the worker, as well as their communities. It, however, was not always this way. Change in the US labor laws removed children from sweatshops and coal mines, and conditions were finally monitored for the well-being of the worker. Global manufacturing has no such assurances if workers are children or exposed to toxic materials, or have unimaginable mandated work hours.

Photographer Lewis Hines gave the greater American populace a revealing window into America’s once tragic work conditions. His documentary photographs removed the shroud of privilege, thus bringing these injustices to the American consciousness.

So, how easy is it to purchase only American-made products? Today in the modern Internet age, it is easier. But traveling store to store may prove a grueling task. I am recalling the sociological experiment (prior to internet shopping) by one American mother who decided to only purchase “Made In The USA” products for one complete year. I remember she could not even find a single pair of shoes for any of her family members. So let me challenge myself to the same, with this caveat - as an Interior Designer, what home décor brands are available to me that are American-made?

MMSMP Is Made In The USA

I was excited to learn that in addition to being a safe and ethically produced product line, ALL of Miss Mustard Seed's® MilkPaint™ products are made in the USA! When I was asked to blog for the MMS brand, I could do so with a clear conscience, knowing that the products are made from 100% natural ingredients. They are 100% Eco-Friendly and have NO VOCs! (Volatile Organic Compounds) and now I can feel even better knowing that I am representing a brand completely made in the USA!

Made In America Resources

So while you break out the Tricycle, Ink Blue, and Ironstone, let’s see what other décor brands can also offer you the comfort of supporting “Made In America” products.

General Décor












Textiles & Fabric




Tile, Stone, and Building Materials






Bathroom Fixtures and Accessories



Finally, to make your life even easier, here are some online resources for buying American!








There are so many more links that web searches will offer you. On most online store sites, you can even put in the keywords, “Made In The USA”. Not everything you desire will be American-made, but every single USA purchase matters, and individual consumption of American-made items will make the difference in keeping the American manufacturing industries and our communities alive and thriving.